The Full Story
Coming from a background of meditation and yoga, my passion for helping people realise their own potential evolved from my own journey from ill-health to one of self-realisation. It seemed I had to hit a real low point, to learn that despite the challenges we face, looking outward for answers was not going to fix things. It was at this point, that I began my adventure of understanding fulfilment.
I was introduced to meditation in my early thirties and like a lot of people, struggled to see the benefits in the beginning. But with practice, something started to click. Somehow, the world became more alive, colours more vivid and my senses seemed sharper. I was fascinated with this altered perception and realised that the more I tuned into it, the more I was able to enjoy each moment.
At a time when I was feeling lost and disillusioned with life, this new outlook became my focus. I was hooked! It led me to wanting to learn as much as I could about spirituality, energy, quantum theory, consciousness, and before I knew it, I was on my way to India to train as a yoga teacher. On my return, I immediately started learning about energy healing and became a reiki practitioner. From there I also qualified to be a reflexologist. Looking back now, it was like something took over. The universe provided me with the means to enjoy life again, by looking inward through these practices, rather than externally. It gave me an insight into internal fulfilment, in order to create my desired reality – Something, which I’ve learnt is an on-going lesson that will continue to unfold as life progresses.
And now I’m passionate to help others do the same.
BecOMe Wellness is the product of many years of learning, experience and practice, in order to help others, help themselves.