We’ve past the January blues and have hit February in the blink of the eye! Whilst this chill-ridden month is best known for the prolonging of winter, I rather think that it’s bad rep is slightly unjustified. Afterall, if you flip it, February is the shortest month, meaning that the last real stage of winter skips past us quickly, green shoots are starting to appear, signalling that new life is emerging, anticipation is building for spring, plans are being made, we celebrate love, pancakes and let’s be honest, we’re all a little uncertain whether we EVER pronounce February properly, which amuses people like me, endlessly! I bet you’re all saying it aloud, right now!
But once we’ve mastered verbalising the 2nd month of the year, or at least stuttered a version, we’re free to embrace the possibilities that these 28-days can offer. So, what can we do to make the most of this month?
Well, there are a few wholesome sparks of inspiration below to keep the wellness wagon rolling as we wait for lighter evenings and warmer spells.
- Did you nail Dry January? Well by now, the alcohol will have completely left your system (it can take up to 3-weeks), so your sleep will be beginning to regulate and you’ll be feeling the benefits of having proper shut-eye. So why not continue for another month and see where that gets you? Was January wetter than an otter’s coat? Then perhaps dry February is when you’ll pass on the pints and focus on a detox to put a spring in your step, before… well.. spring!
- Start foraging. Getting out and about for walks is one thing, but when you take a basket and head home with the makings of a meal, that’s a whole new ballgame! Most people think that foraging is just a summer activity, but there are lots of plants that can be sourced at this time of year too.
Celebrate the heart, and I don’t just mean Valentine’s. I mean use the date to celebrate the wonderful organ that is the heart centre. With 40,000 sensory neurites, the heart is known to have similar qualities as the brain. With its endless beating keeping us alive, it’s emotional pangs that affect us like no other feeling, the organ most closely associated with love is something to appreciate. So, treat yourself to a cacao ceremony (known for its heart opening properties), research the heart chakra, find out about the latest scientific and spiritual findings about the heart and celebrate this wonderous feat of engineering that we all have inside of us.
- De-clutter ahead of spring. The famous spring clean is known to have great effects on our wellbeing. Clean home, clean mind. So, why not get ahead of the game and do it in Feb? This could be changing a room around, doing a charity shop sort out, Giving a space a fresh lick of paint or just even throwing a duster around. By sprucing up the domestic quarters, you’ll instantly feel like you’re ready for anything. Leaving your springtime for all the adventures you’ve planned.
Get green-fingered! There’s nothing like growing your own and you don’t need an acre of land to do it. Starting small is always the best way, and February can be the planning of a herb garden, window planting, or even one or two raised beds. Choose a couple of things that you’d like to try growing and set up the spaces to do it. Lots of crops can be sown in March, so getting the ground work done this month, will make it a sinch when it comes to planting.
So, there’s some food for thought (pun intended). February is a short and sweet month that can be positively flipped as quickly as those pancakes!